Extend your library's reach with self-serve lockers.
Members can pick up and drop off items outside of your core opening hours, and you can open up more locations without needing volunteers on site.
Hardware and software working seamlessly to help you get your job done faster.
PIN codes are generated by the Lend Engine, then sent to the lockers and your members by email. Collecting and returning is as simple as 1-2-3.
Other self serve locker systems can be restrictive, just allowing one item in one locker. If that item is on loan, the locker is empty and is not doing 'work' for your library.
The Lend Engine supports the following locker modes (a single locker bank can have a mix of locker modes):
An item is assigned to a locker. That locker can contain only that item, and that item is always returned to the same locker.
Lockers are given 'sizes', and items are set up to be allowed in certain locker sizes. Any available locker of the correct size will accept the item.
A locker is manually assigned a pin number for a specific use, outside of the standard lending process. Good for an ad-hoc lend, or for storing cleaning materials for staff, spares etc.
For trusted user groups. Items from more than one loan can be placed in multi-use lockers. Great for "dump bins" where members can placed returned items, leaving your other lockers for pickups and returns.
Use our WiFi-enabled lock controller module and locks with your own back-end server/API. No Lend Engine account needed. This option allows you to run smart lockers with any lending platform that has an API.
Make the most of the powerful lending and locker management features in the Lend Engine platform, with your own locker cabinetry, racks, cages etc. This is the best option if you are retro-fitting existing lockers with the smart locker system.
If you're in the UK, we can build, deliver and install a full automatic self serve locker system on site for you (subject to location).
WiFi enabled 32-channel lock control circuit board, powered by 12V. Paired with an Android tablet for display and user interaction. Tablet is powered by the lock control board, and runs 'kiosk' software to prevent users from accessing non-lending features.
The lock controller connects to the site WiFi network, which gives it access to the internet. Item catalogue and member information is stored on the lending library platform, not on the lock controller, for security and scalability.
Any 12v lock mechanism which can be opened with a short pulse is compatible with the lock controller board. Usually, this is the standard 12v electric lock mechanism shown below, but you could use door openers or other locks. Locks need to have a sense switch inside so that the controller knows whether they are open or closed.
We've designed the lock controller to use as little power as possible, which means it can run off grid with a suitable solar panel and charging setup.
You'll also need a WiFi connection. A 4G/5G cellular hotspot can be powered by the lock controller system.
Contact us for more information on off-grid and solar automatic lockers.
Any 12v lock mechanism which can be opened with a short pulse is compatible with the lock controller board. Usually, this is the standard 12v electric lock mechanism shown below, but you could use door openers or other locks. Locks need to have a sense switch inside so that the controller knows whether they are open or closed.