Manage your toy library items, members, payments and repairs online.
The Lend Engine is a software system to help you manage your toy library. Use it to track your toys, members, memberships, loans and any payments or fees.
Get a free account for your Toy Library nowWho has it? Where is it? When is it due back? Is it ready to lend? What is it costing to repair and clean? With the Lend Engine, it’s easy to get the answers to these questions. Track toy locations, note history, assign to team members, see the repair queue, and use barcodes to make check in and check out quick and simple.
You can store everything you need to know about your toys in the online database. Upload photos or attach files (perhaps safety procedures), and add custom fields which you can use to report on later.
You can create as many membership types as you need, each with a fee and a duration. Contacts can only borrow items if they have an active membership. Members are sent an email a week before their membership is due to expire, to save you having to chase up. Amongst many other things, member reports let you see which members haven’t renewed.
Which items are out on loan, and when are they due back? Who do we need to send overdue reminders to? Which items does a member have out at the moment? The Lend Engine helps you answer these questions and more. With automated loan reminders via email and SMS, it also saves you time and helps your toy library share your toys in the most efficient way.
The Lend Engine tracks fees, fines, payments and also any costs you incur with repairing or cleaning items. When you lend a toy, you can charge a one-off loan fee or a daily fee. Members can pay at the time of borrowing or your can put the fee on account. The payment/fee reports show you how much you have taken or charged, and can be filtered by payment method, date, member custom fields … and more.
Between loans it’s likely you’ll be cleaning or repairing toys. When a member returns an item you choose which location it is checked in to. Set up a reserved location called “repair” which would show the item as “not available” until it was moved back into an available location. Additionally, you can assign the item to a team member. They get an email to let them know some work is due. Each of these movements can be given a cost, and you can add notes to get a complete, detailed item history.
Included with every Lend Engine account is a public website. This shows members (and potential members!) the toys you have, and whether they are available. The site can run stand-alone, or the toy listing and search can be embedded within your main toy library website.
Access the Lend Engine online with a web browser, any time, from anywhere. Use a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or phone. There’s nothing to download or install, which means you can log on wherever you happen to be. Your data is stored securely online, so you don’t have to worry about backups - we handle that all for you.
Especially useful for toy libraries, Lend Engine lets you add children to your member records. Store the child date of birth, name and sex. Just like custom fields, you can use child data to filter reports too. You can also report on your child data using member custom fields; to show how many children you have between ages 3 and 4, of members that speak French...
You’re not stuck with just the fields we give you. For toys and members, you can add as many extra fields as you like. You can use these fields in reports, too. Say you wanted to select a “funding source” for a toy; just create a list of options and assign them to your toys. You can then use this as a filter on your loan and payment reports to see fee revenue per item funding source.